Most of the networking experts may have some knowledge about Cisco exams and also the importance of clearing the exam. Really, this exam certificate can able to change the life of the person both in terms of the career and in personal development. But, clearing the exam is very hard one, but there are many things to be helpful in clearing the exam easily but one should make use of those. Nowadays, this CCIE Collaboration offers people to get the degree in 8 tracks such as Security, Wireless, Service Provider, and Voice. Any of the tracks represents the whole biggest area of networking.
And one of the best things about this CCIE exam is that there are no additional certificates or some degrees are required to apply for that. Rather you just need to go through two trials. In this exam, the first round is written exam. This basically includes 90 to 100 questions totally, and the exam will be all about theoretical knowledge in the area which you are going to choose. The passing score may also vary based upon the number of questions, but the passed category will be all bout 70% of correct answers.
Passing theoretical test may also inspire you lot and lot. Moreover, this will gives you right thing to proceed to the second level of CCIE examination which is the laboratory exam. The duration of this exam will be 8 Hours which the person should spent on solving different kinds of networking building as well as some kind of troubleshooting tasks. The pass score of the laboratory exam is about 80% which is quite much than the written exam. Also, if you need extra percentage go through the guides available in the link which helps you in solving easily.
Let us discuss few tips to get pass in security lab in successful manner:
- Read more number of books
- Practice and practice a lot
- Try to rent the Cisco virtual track
- Prepare with the mock labs
- Get ready for an unexpected thing
Follow these things in order to get pass in CCIE exam successfully.