The Best British Kindergarten School in Bangkok with Interactive Play Ground

The Best British Kindergarten School in Bangkok with Interactive Play Ground

Top recommended school for young generation

Incredible development of information technology nowadays has created no boundary of international competition. Therefore, as one of leading country in Asia, Thailand has started to support enhancement of education level by providing international school. Bangkok as the capital city of Thailand has unlimited human resources, and this city built some of international schools, such as Ascot.

This school offers education program from Early Years up to Secondary Years. In the Early Years program, Ascot becomes one of innovative British Kindergarten School in Bangkok. The program is divided into 3 levels started from Nursery stage, Kindergarten stage and Reception stage.

Nursery Stage

A nursery stage develops children motoric ability since the age of 2.5 years old. Children are encouraged to use equipment to increase their independency. They thought to dress by them self, as well as eating and tidy up their shoes. Most of them will spend their time in the playground. Many things they can do in playground such as climbing, explore the tunnel, and jumping. All of these activities during study in British Kindergarten School in Bangkok aredesigned to improve their balance and mobile ability.

The school also provide them with daily nap, so they can take a rest for a while when they feel a bit tired during the day. Some snacks such as milk and crackers given during the session to warm up the training session. A lot of fun and laugh you can find in this class.

Kindergarten Stage

After completion of nursery stage, children go to kindergarten stage. At this class, they are more independent already, thus the learning materials are wider to support their exploration activities. Phonic program is designed to acknowledge single letter sounds. Writing program as well as reading program is also thought in this phase. They will start to interact with the teacher to learn something new, and start to read a word. This becomes an important stage before they are move on to the reception stage.

Reception Stage

Next stage after kindergarten phase is a Reception stage. Student with the age of 4.5 years old is recommended to join this class. As a world class international school, Ascot has numerous program to develop the children ability, especially in relation to their phonic skill. Each person has their own phonic ability, so thus the private learning done by the teacher is really important to ensure not a single student will miss in this part. They thought how to read through individual reading and guided reading. Writing a single word and some simple sentence is also thought to them.

Swimming Pool Facility

To encourage student in water sport activity, Ascot provide a small swimming pool dedicated for children height age. This pool completed with a deck, and other supporting tools to keep children safe inside the water. There is a couch and security guide to ensure the safety and security near the pool.

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