What is NIET?
NIET is an abbreviation of Nepean Industry Edge Training – an institute that is renowned for the quality hands-on experience they give to their students.
Why do you need NIET?
This is a fact that most people who have been on the lookout for jobs or people who have gone through job searches before will understand – it is far more easy for people with experience to get a job than a fresher. It is apparently an unspoken rule in the industry that experience automatically makes an individual more qualified than a fresher. There is absolutely no logic but companies do believe in that like a mantra. This is why you need to undertake training from experienced professionals who will be able to guide you through the nooks and crannies of the industry so that you can show the company officials that you know your stuff.
- Courses – NIET offers you more courses than you can imagine. Their categories start from education (which include certifications in adult address language, literacy and numeracy, leadership and management and design and assessment tools) to health and first aid (which includes certifications for providing CPR, providing first aid, providing medication, following basic health and safety rules and more). The categories also constitute of certifications for community services like individual ageing, early childhood care, leisure and health, disability and for hospitality like providing RSA, for food handlers and food supervisors alike.
- Partnerships – NIET has partnered up with many epic and inspirational partners to give their students authentic experiences in the industry that they want to enter. An example is the Balnarring Early Learning Center that provides the students working towards getting the certification in Early Childhood Care placements as well as a first-hand experience of what the job looks like. They have ample resources that they have worked out with their partners like handbooks, student guides and other online stuff that would help the students. Just like Balnarring, NIET has established partnerships with various industry leaders all over the world who are only happy to help and gain some passionate workers for their cause. They have also compiled an e-library full of the resources that the students can attend to if they are having any problems or have any doubts. NIET will also help you to put your induction material in an online format. All you need to do is contact them and tell them your training plan and what you are expecting from the material.
Nepean Industry Edge Training has kept your training needs in the forefront so you can be sure that you will get practical and intensive training that no company can overlook. Important names in the industry will be helping you to get ahead in your career, any course that you choose. All you have to do is enjoy the training and take away the most of it so that you can prove to companies that experience is not the ultimate parameter for learning about the industry.