It is an exciting time when a young child reaches the age when they are ready to begin to explore the world around them. The first 7 years of a child’s existence are critical, as these years will shape the person in many ways, and when looking at preschool education, there is much to consider. The school around the corner might be very convenient, but is it right for your child? Here are some of the major aspects to consider when looking for early years education.
The Right Attitude Toward Learning
We have come a long way in the last 50 years, and rather than compartmentalising a child and teaching them things that the experts think they should know at a certain age, the optimum learning environment is one where the child is free to explore in their own way, and most importantly, at their own pace. Take the best international preschool in Sathorn as a great example of how an early learning program should be set up, and with qualified carers who know how to stimulate the children, and a supportive learning environment where your child can safely explore the world around them.
Creative Learning Environment
This is the key to positive development, and with the right activities that provide opportunities for the young learner to discover themselves and how they fit into the big picture. Role modelling is a critical element to a successful early learning environment, and children should be encouraged to engage in art and other creative activities, and be given the opportunity to ask questions. There is a creativity window of 7 years, during which the child explores their own creativity, and this should never be suppressed, as it will help the child to develop a lifelong love of learning.
Parental Participation
It is counter-productive if a child is exposed to conflicting environments, and the best early learning programs require parental participation, and once a parent understands the goals, they are better equipped to provide the right environment at home, which reinforces the child’s positive experiences at school.
Forget Academics
While academic education is very important, it has no place in an early learning environment, and the first 7 years should focus on personal development and helping the child to develop social skills. Education is not a race, and if a child is taught to read and write at an early age, this will be at the expense of creativity and imagination, so resist the temptation to introduce academic learning, at least until the child is ready for the early primary years.
The sign of a good early learning program is one that spends the time to help parents understand the core concepts of early learning, and how it is best encouraged. The school should have a firm direction that is designed to provide the optimum learning environment, and with qualified staff who fully understand their role in the program, your child will learn at their own pace, and most importantly, they will develop positive traits that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.