Does neurofeedback help people with ADHD? Find out here

Sadly, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD affects a lot of people around the world. They usually lose their impulse control, their attention is always affected, their learning is also affected and their activity levels depriving them of living a normal life.

These symptoms can be very challenging for many, while for some, they manage to hide it in plain sight. For children suffering from ADHD usually, they are treated with different medications, psychotherapy and also changing their lifestyles, however, these do not entirely work for everyone, while there are some approaches like medicines have negative side effects in the long run.

That is why neurofeedback therapy has been gaining a lot of attention these days because this non-invasive therapy has made a lot of people believe that it can help alleviate and manage the symptoms of ADHD effectively. Others also call this therapy as biofeedback or the Neurotherapy.

So, what is neurofeedback? And how does it help people suffering from ADHD? Neurofeedback involves using electrodes that are attached to the head and responds to particular stimuli while the special technology shows the person’s brainwaves knowing that if a person has ADHD, the brain usually displays some characteristic patterns of their behavior that particularly happens on the front lobe of the brain. This area is highly relevant to the personality, learning, and behavior of the person.

Neurofeedback and EEG courses in Australia

A functioning brain and the person’s overall behavior are connected completely and the changes in behavior affect the brain as well and this happens vice versa that is why neurofeedback is targeting to completely change a person’s overall behavior by changing their brain according to the most-trusted school for Neurofeedback and EEG courses in Australia.

So, how does neurofeedback “change” a person’s brain? Well, as you know our brain produces electrical signals or waves in a measured way where neurofeedback also creates its own measurement by determining the waves using the device they call electroencephalograph or EEG that can measure five different waves in our brain that are called; alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and theta that have its own different frequencies using an EEG to measure.

There are different findings on the effectiveness of neurofeedback to people who have ADHD. There are already scientific findings that were published a couple of years ago that concluded that neurofeedback creates a big improvement in terms of impulsivity and inattention to people with ADHD. It also has a slight improvement in hyperactivity which makes the researchers suggest that neurofeedback can be an efficacious treatment for specific symptoms of ADHD.

The study conducted after testing around ten participants ages eight to 15 who have ADHD and undergone more than twenty sessions of neurofeedback while a portion of them underwent fake neurofeedback. Both groups surprisingly experienced the same changes that tell that there are also placebo effects among the participants especially those who received fake neurofeedback therapy.

However, before you even decide to undergo neurofeedback therapy, you have to consult different medical experts especially if the patient is a child just to make sure that nothing will go wrong.